Oct 22 / admin

Bloodway | the end of the story

Since the beginning, Bloodway had been like a phenomenon which controlled all of us the three members. It gathered us and made us create a certain type of music, it drew us close to each other just to alienate us. The same band made me write about the most taboo subjects for people and choose its existence as relating to the story of the „Human Factor” , which kept on widening during the course of three pieces of discography. Strangely or not, during this whole time we had the same label, the same sound engineer, the same photographer for the official pictures and the same line-up. Today we have released the epilogue of the story which we started five years ago, which means a collection of live recordings, so that we can properly close a breath-taking adventure and that the people with an interest in our music can get a live record by Bloodway. “Epilogue: the Public and Private Encounters” is thus the last Bloodway record. This ends like that because the band made me understand that its entire existence should remain dedicated exclusively to a single story. On behalf of the three members, I want to give thanks to everyone who helped us, especially for this live record to Carmen Susana Simoes (Earth Electric / Moonspell live) for composing and recording this amazing choral piece entitled “”A Chant for Peace” those who believed in us, and first of all those whose hearts were touched by this story or band. Last but not least, I would like to thank that entity which in the human world is called the band Bloodway, because it totally discharged me of the deepest darkness which I ever learned within me. I never thought I would write these lines, but the respect I bear towards the integrity of the Bloodway story is more important than anything else.


 photo Bloodway live costin chioreanu_zpss54tlt56.jpg

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